Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Junior Carpenders hw 3/4/08

1.When measuring your lumber on 3/4/08, what came up, and what did you notice that may make cutting difficult in the future?
I found that when it comes to measuring and cutting;it takes serious work. Also, I found out that some wood that came in from Home Depot was not so precise. Some whould was to long, and some wood was to short.I noticed that if we fool around or don't make your angels preacise; that will definatly make cutting way more difficult for evrybody.

2.If you had to teach someone how to use a hand saw, what whould you say?
If I were to teach someone how to use a saw I whould say,"You first need to put your gogles on and grab your saw in your hand. Then you need to grab your wood on that you are going to cut. Then start to cut a little notch in the wood. After you've got a good solide notch you start to cut hard with the line right bellow you saw.

3.What is the magic number we reapeated 10 times, and why is it important to reamember?
The magic number is 67.5. It is important to reamember beacause: one of the angles of the gaga pit is 135 degrees. And when you devide that by two, that eguals 67.5. That number (67.5) is one of the main numbers we are going to be using in class. Beacause when we start to build the gaga pit we are going to be cutting the wood at that angle.

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